Hi there; I’m Tim Whalin, a designer by trade and a wannabe comedian pretty much all the time. I’m currently a Senior Staff UX Designer at Google. I get to spend my day solving complex problems on how people discover information online and interact on the web.
While I don’t consider myself artistic, I’ve always had an appetite for design. When I was 11 years old, I downloaded an illegal copy of Photoshop and started creating shitty websites for friends and family. As I continued my career in design, I explored print, web, and eventually stumbled my way into UX. For the past 12 years, I’ve designed across a range of modalities (voice, touch, camera, device orientation) and device types (smart speakers, phones, smartwatches, smart glasses, TV, in-car IVI). I’ve worked in industries including automotive, e-commerce, healthcare, education, television, nonprofit, and government.
I’m a firm believer in making authentic, trustworthy, and ethical designs. At Amazon, I created an accessibility program that trains designers how to create inclusive experiences with practical resources to help integrate inclusiveness into their work. I believe good design starts with making purposeful, thoughtful decisions and gathering a diversity of perspectives to inform your own perspective.
I spend my free time seeking new life experiences and adventures. In the winter, I’m a ski instructor for the Special Olympics Nordic athletes and during the summer you’ll find me climbing mountains or crafting cocktails.
Feel free to email me if you have any questions. I’m not currently looking for work, but you can download my resume or find me on LinkedIn and Twitter.